
We provide our advisory service to qualified investors with no initial upfront fees – and no obligation.

How can we do this you ask?

We are an accredited member of the ASPIRE Advisor Network.  ASPIRE are a licensed real estate agency who perform due diligence and publish properties for sale on their private portal.

When you purchase a property via our advisory service, the vendor pays a sales and marketing fee to ASPIRE instead of a local real estate agent that may be selling the property.  ASPIRE keeps a portion of this fee, and shares a portion with IFP Advisory.  That’s it – we charge no other fees.

Want to know more about ASPIRE?

The ASPIRE Advisor Network supports independent Property Investment Advice businesses and provides an operating framework with compliance and future regulation as its core focus.

ASPIRE is an industry leading network of qualified, experienced and ethical Advisors who provide quality, unbiased investment advice to their clients and assist them in facilitating the acquisition of appropriate assets.

How does this benefit you?

This process is about the purchasing of property, not selling property.   Therefore ASPIRE does not exclusively ‘list’ properties as is done in a traditional real estate business as this scenario obligates the real estate agent to get the best outcome for the vendor.  We want the best outcome for the purchaser which allows us to be completely independent and unbiased with our recommendations as there is no obligation or pressure to promote or sell particular properties.

This is how we ensure our investors’ best interests are always the priority.

Do you have questions about our fee structure?
Please don’t hesitate to ask!

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